In this life, we are held by expectations of other people. What they think, how they view us, do they think we are making the right decisions. And I've heard so many times, that whatever God wants you to do, it should be easy to do. Something that is difficult to follow through, doesn't seem to be God's plan. And yet, I have been jaded by that view for so many years and I have given in to a life of easiness and comfort because that must be what God wants for my life. Right? He wouldn't want me to have to go through anything hard if that's his will. Yet, in Scripture I see where he tells us to pick up our crosses daily and to follow him. We are to abandon what the world offers and claim him as our only God. To live outside of our comfortable lives and let him completely wreck us. I don't remember Jesus telling any of the disciples that following him would be easy or comfortable. No, he told them it would be hard, to leave their families, and that following him could possibly lead to death. Which it did for most of them. So I refuse to live out this life with the American plan of how others think I should live. When I start allowing the fear of disappointing others, reign over my obedience to Christ, I am in trouble. This American dream isn't for me. I want Christ to completely wreck me. I think if any of us are living comfortably in this world, we need to evaluate how we are living for Christ. This world shouldn't be comfortable for us, this world is not our home. We are complete strangers here.
Matt 12:30, Luke 14:26, Matt 5:10," Christ says if you are for me then the world will be against you. If you are not willing to lose everything you have, including your life, don't even follow me. Expect persecution, and consider that a privilege." (Paraphrased)
I never want to look back and view my life as a wasted life. I want to be someone Christ looks at one day and says," Thank you for risking it all. Well done my faithful servant."
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